June 12, 2020

General gymnastics

General gymnastics is a discipline in which people of all ages participate in groups from six to one hundred and fifty gymnasts who perform choreographies in a synchronized manner. Also the groups can be of a single gender or mixed.

Artistic gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics is one that through body movements using the head, arms and legs creates a way of expressing itself with music and even with a companion and apparatus, since it is made up of different modalities according to the male and female categories.

Rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a discipline in which there is only the feminine modality. Moreover they perform five routines with five different devices: ball, tape, hoop, clubs and rope. Exercises are made on a tapestry. When scoring, it is done on a maximum of twenty points, valuing aesthetics more than stunts.

Aerobic gymnastics

Aerobic gymnastics, despite being known as sports aerobics, is a gymnastics discipline in which a routine of between one hundred and one hundred and ten seconds is performed with high-intensity movements derived from traditional aerobics moreover to a series of elements of difficulty. So this routine must demonstrate continuous movements, flexibility, strength and a perfect execution in the elements of difficulty.

Acrobatic gymnastics

Acrobatic gymnastics also known as acro-sport is a group discipline in which there are the modalities of male couple, female couple, mixed couple, female trio and male quartet.

For example.

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