June 13, 2020

Physical benefits of sport:

This discipline increases cardiovascular endurance, so it prevents the onset of cardiovascular disease. Moreover improves resistance and muscle strength: it prevents muscle injuries.

Some good is that it increases flexibility, for example: Our child will be more agile, faster and have less risk of sprains. Also promotes knowledge of one's own body, thus helping to develop coordination skills better and faster. While, it provides control of a high level of basic movements that will allow for optimal technical sports work in the future.

Psychic benefits of sport:

In case the person is insecure, this sport helps to gain self-confidence, since the fact of overcoming previous challenges, makes our child feel able to face others of greater difficulty.

Moreover increases self-esteem, as our child "likes himself" to see that he is capable of doing well, different types of movements and exercises.

Also favors autonomy, since our child realizes that he or she is capable of dominating his or her body in the environment (space, mats, obstacles, jumps, etc.). This makes him aware that he has a great capacity to act independently.

As soon as his improvement makes him feel valued by others: his classmates call him to participate in their games, his teachers congratulate him and his parents do too. Because it helps him to feel brave in different situations, both physical and social, and that gives him security. So that makes him feel more independent, able to decide for himself when and how he should act or stop.

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